The EDL - a Zionist "false flag" operationThe recent London demonstration of the "English" Defence League ( a better name might be the Jewish Defense League) in which British White youths wrapped themselves in the foreign flag of the bandit state of Israel whilst listening to an hysterical rabbinical speech, exposes the "English" Defence League for what it actually is - a Zionist, possibly Mossad backed False Flag operation.
e do not believe the bulk of EDL supporters are still aware of how they are being used. All they see are St.George's Cross flags and an organisation which SEEMS to be opposing the unwanted Islamification of Britain.and that is all they see!.They do not see the way the EDL is taking. The EDL now has an openly Homosexual Division - and the rainbow flags of political queerdom were being carried on that London demonstration by mind bended, baseball capped youths who knew no better.The EDL is run by 15 key people across the country who co-ordinate activists via email and social networking sites, such as Facebook. The group lacks a consistent message or vision, and yet within its core, the EDL means different things to different people. Indeed, none of the 15 so-called leaders appears to have really met all the others. The main backer is Alan lake, a faint figure who has pumped a lot of money into the social networking that started the EDL. Lake has declared he wants to establish relations with anybody who is 'anti-Islam' and that includes Lesbian and Gay groups as good as militant Zionists in Britain.The Islamification of Britain is REAL! The EDL's opposition to it is a fraud. It is is a fraud encouraged behind the scenes by those who recognize that great numbers of disaffected White youth would otherwise be worn to organisations such as the Home Movement which would have them REAL political direction and opposes the Islamification of Britain without pandering to the Zionists and the Pink Power lobby - in fact the sole company to do so. Yet NF demos are regularly banned whilst tellingly, the EDL can demonstrate or hold demonstrations without any government interference - in itself a very powerful sign that the Zionist controlled government of Britain (ZOG) are using the EDL as a pressure valve.Our substance to Lake and the EDL 'leaders' is STOP GIVING British youth the wrong message. You are NOT teaching thempatriotism, only feeding a blind hatred. Your open enemy to the NF and the combustion of Nationalist flags whilst waving the Principal of David says it all!White youth!. Boycott the EDL - Join the Home Front.Pip pip
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