With an estimated 120,000 artifacts in its collection, the museum is arguably one of the world`s most impressive destinations for Egyptologists and tourists alike.
Though the museum lacks the polish of The British Museum or New York`s Metropolitain Museum of Art, the character and largeness of its artifacts are back to none.
Surge Desk runs down a smattering of the antiquities that satiate the cavernous museum.
King Tutankhamun`s treasuresIf you`ve gone to the traveling exhibit of the contents of King Tut`s tomb, then you`ve seen a smattering of the artifacts that Howard Carter discovered in 1922. A great deal of what was base in Tut`s final resting spot in the Valley of the Kings permenantly resides in Cairo, including the boy king`s funerary mask, and two guilt sarcophagi.
Karnak stauaryWhile Egypt has fought a custody battle over much of what was observed at the fabled Temple of Karnak (including the massive stones that comprised the temple), much of the statuary discovered at Karnak remained in the state of its origin. The statues and carvings on exhibit in the National Museum range centuries, and offer a graphic, three-dimensional walk thrrough much of Egypt`s early history.
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Old Kingdom monumentsDating from 2650-2134 BC, the Old Kingdom period of story was the sentence that saw Egypt`s civilization rise to prominence. The realm flourished, and staggering advances in art and architecture. An integral department of the museum is consecrated to Old Kingdom artifacts.
Mummy roomOf the 27 mummies in its collection, nine are kept on permanent display, including that of Queen Hatshepsut, one of the few female pharoahs in Egyptian history, who lived from 1508-1458 BC.
Coins and papyrusIn the museum`s sixth section, early writitings upon papyrus, as easily as a wonderful collection of coins dating back to former Roman and Greek periods help shrink the scale of the museum down to a more informal level.
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