Wednesday, May 18, 2011 The Meaning of Socialism: National Review's Kevin .

By the Left Coast Rebel

My favourite character of the picture is at the 4:15 mark. Nick Gillespie asks National Review`s Kevin Williamson, "what`s the continuing romance of socialism?" Williamson simply responds, "I think it is a figure of perpetual adolescence_"

This truism - the perpetual adolescence of advocates of socialism, especially in academia and the youth - is absolutely spot on and something that I have witnessed over and over first hand.

Socialist proponents (who conceal under the hide of "progressive" today) exist in a pre-pubescent fairy-tale-land of candy-pooping unicorns and government-commanded utopia. "Just open up this freedom, here, and everything will be taken charge of," they whisper in our ears. Too many of us strike for the ploy.

It`s too bad that account is cluttered with the dead bodies, misery and poverty (both economically and spiritually) that socialism ushers in.

It`s doubly frightful that we appear to experience not knowing from said history, or - eve worse - are willfully ignoring it in favour of a pie-in-the-sky adolescent vision - a sight that both you and I live will give the exact same historical outcome here in the United States.

From`s Youtube page:
What`s the very definition of socialism? How is it distinct fromregulation and a social welfare state? Why are intellectuals stillenamored of a scheme that brought us Stalin, Hitler, and more recentlyHugo Chavez and Kim Jong-Il? And what can the United States learn fromSweden about free initiative and capitalism?`s NickGillespie sat down with Kevin Williamson, who is deputy managing editorof National Review and source of a new book, The Politically IncorrectGuide to Socialism, to discuss the meaning of socialism in history andthe current moment.

Cross posted to LCR contributor sites. Last 5 posts by Left Coast Rebel

  • LCR at American Thinker, "Ron Paul's Controversial Statement Exposes Foreign Policy Rift" - May 19th, 2011
  • The Campaign has Created a Monster: Why Should we be Surprised that Even Obama Thinks of Himself as Dear Leader? - May 18th, 2011
  • Ron Paul on Fox News Sunday May 15, 2011 - May 16th, 2011
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  • Jack Hunter asks, "who's a republican?" - May 16th, 2011
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