Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Independent Women's Forum - Secrets Of The National Labor .

certain you know-to the NRLB's efforts to prevent Boeing from building a set in that business-friendly state, although the South Carolina plant, while creating new jobs in a hospitable state, would not shorten the issue of Boeing jobs Washington state.

Okay, granted, stopping the South Carolina plant would kill jobs. But, apparently, not near enough to meet the bureaucrats and labour union officials who have supplied so much campaign money for President Obama. Why be so ad hoc? Why not set up new rules to destroy job creation on a larger scale and into perpetuity?

The Editors of National Review explain:

The Obama administration's takeover of the health-insurance system stands out in many Americans' minds as the distillation of its radicalism, but still more singular is its radicalization of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), part of its tireless campaign to embellish the cartels known as labour unions. Now the NLRB plans to revision the rules for federal elections in a way that further strengthens the reach of the unions and undermines the exemption of employers to observe from having collective-bargaining contracts imposed on them against their will.

Obama's NLRB is contemplating new union-election rules that would give employers less time to prepare a countercampaign. There is dead no grounds for doing so other than to weaken the employers' position.

This new plan may be worse than "card check," which would have banned secret ballots in federal elections, giving unions the power to harass employees who don't wish to belong. Unions could take over a company covertly and by piecemeal. Companies would be compelled to apportion their electronic files and data bases with unions, in effect cutting their own throats.

So-yeah-the government has pivoted to jobs-but it's the destruction, not the creation, of opportunities for people who long to work.

Here is what the government doesn't know: It is businesses, not unions, that create jobs. Unions once had a space of honour in American history, standing up for the small guy. But today they be only around 12 percent of the workforce. But the Obama administration gives them a say far out of kilter with their actual numbers. The damage this does to the saving is massive.

Well, it looks like the Obama administration is finally focus on jobs, jobs, jobs-and how to kill, kill, kill them.

The latest affront to job creation is beefing up the force of the National Labor Relations Board, which is currently trying to kill jobs in South Carolina, a right-to-work state. I refer-as I am

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