Sunday, October 31, 2010

RSSDesignsInFiber: Time for Comments on the !010 Giant Sequoia .

Ruth Sandra Sperling- in Southern CaliforniaIt is time - for me to work my public statements regarding the composition of the Management Program for the Giant Sequoia National Monument (GSNM) as regards to the current Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) of August 2010. Since 2000, I have been to numerous public meetings discussing the issues surrounding this monumental job of managing the Giant Sequoia ecosystem for resiliency and ecological integrity.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Partial Event Schedule For 'Rally To Restore Sanity And Or Fear .

Rally to Restore Sanity/FearComedy Central hasn't released any details yet on this weekend'sevent in Washington D.C. "The Bait To Restore Sanity and/or Fear," but apermit was issued by the Home Park Service and made available tothe public. In an article by the Christian Science Monitor, they haveput together a partial schedule of events from the permit but there arestill lots of unknown guests.