Monday, December 6, 2010

Press 4 TRUTH Video Blog: !011 National Conference

[As you will see below, even Jackie Mason doesn't believe this is funny!]Rahm Emanuel's statement in November, "Never let a severe crisis go to waste. What I think by that is it's an opportunity to do things you couldn't do before."

Well now we hold the proof. I said it before Mr. Obama was elected.The Sole variety that Obama expects to add to Washington is him in the white house!

Now we take the proof.

This "STIMULUS" bill is anything BUT stimulating! Apparently hundreds of telephone calls against the account are coming into government offices. But the regime of the people, by the multitude and for the mass has now get the administration Terminated the people, right by the multitude and FOR the popular party in government!

Didn't Mr. Obama say that he cherished to Modify the way Washington worked? Ha, well now we recognize how.

So Mr. Obama has brought CHANGE TO AMERICA. yes CHANGE AS TO WHO GETS THE PORK. - His soundbytes about there being NO PORK in the notice are absolute blatant lies.

The letters and calls to the congress were 100:1 AGAINST this package but that did not cross the courageous congress from paying back all their supporters AGAINST the testament of the people!

However it was that unofficial third party in the U.S. called the left-wing socialist media combined with the fairy-tale elite in Hollywood. who actually elected Mr. Obama.

The so-called "stimulus" bill just passed in the U.S. will have that famous employer, the National Association for the Talent for the Arts, build Milwaukee schools when 15 are empty with declining enrollment and so on.

It is complete PORK. There may be a few million of the billions here and there which might actually do a small but the stock market tells all as they have been in freefall as the "package" made it's way through the congress.

Yes is it payback time as the hog trough package goes out to all the supporters which the Democrats did not accept the ability to reinforce previously.

What Mr. Obama came to the Whitehouse to transfer was ONE THING . WHO GET'S THE PORK?

The measure is wide of naught but spending to honor those who elected Mr. Obama and his "Democratic" presidential guards and very short to aid the ordinary worker at all.

It is a sad time when telling blatant lies and rewarding those who hold you are more significant than actually helping people coping with this deep recession.

So often for the area of Abraham Lincoln and a area which was "of the people, by the people, for the people". Unless of course those people are Democratic suckies.

If even comedian Jackie Mason sees this, there possibly is promise for the American people somewhere. Mr. Obama forgets Katrina after criticizing Bush for the same.

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